Time to think

Time to think

About this blog

When I retired at the end of August 2015 I determined to use some of my free time to restart my blogging career. I previously published a series of on-line essays called “St. Louis Sojourn” [edpitts.blogspot.com] while living in St. Louis and working as a Social Security judge from 2008 to 2010. When I returned to Central New York, I continued blogging with “Upstate Outpost” [edpitts2.blogspot.com]. Anyone who was following me back then may remember that I stopped publishing my essays late in 2012 when requested to do so by my employer at the time, the Social Security Administration.

I always determined that I would return to blogging once I retired. I have saved up a good deal of unpublished material written between 2013 and the present. I will share some of that material here along with completely new material.

I also intend to rework and republish some of the best essays from my earlier blogs.

I welcome any and all feedback. Feel free to use the contact form on the main page or just email me at edpitts303@gmail.com.


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